Photo by Alina Grubnyak on Unsplash
Available metadata for Power BI in the Microsoft Purview Data Catalog
Power BI metadata
Here is a list of the metadata that is available for a Power BI tenant in the Microsoft Purview governance portal.
Metadata | Population method | Source of truth | Asset type | Editable | Upstream metadata |
Classification | Manual | Microsoft Purview | All types | Yes | N/A |
Sensitivity Labels | Automatic | Microsoft Purview | All types | No | |
Glossary terms | Manual | Microsoft Purview | All types | Yes | N/A |
Collection | Automatic | Microsoft Purview | All types | Yes | N/A |
Hierarchy | Automatic | Microsoft Purview | All types | No | N/A |
qualifiedName | Automatic | Microsoft Purview | All types | No | N/A |
Asset Description | Automatic/Manual* | Microsoft Purview | All types | Yes | N/A |
Contacts - Expert | Manual | Microsoft Purview | All types | Yes | N/A |
Contacts - Owner | Manual | Microsoft Purview | All types | Yes | N/A |
name | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Dashboard | Yes | dashboard.DisplayName |
isReadOnly | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Dashboard | No | dashboard.IsReadOnly |
embedUrl | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Dashboard | No | dashboard.EmbedUrl |
tileNames | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Dashboard | No | TileTitles |
users | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Dashboard | No | dashboard.Users |
Lineage | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Dashboard | No | N/A |
name | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Dataflow | Yes | dataflow.Name |
description | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Dataflow | Yes | dataflow.Description |
configuredBy | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Dataflow | No | dataflow.ConfiguredBy |
modifiedBy | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Dataflow | No | dataflow.ModifiedBy |
modifiedDateTime | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Dataflow | No | dataflow.ModifiedDateTime |
Endorsement | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Dataflow | No | dataflow.EndorsementDetails |
users | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Dataflow | No | dataflow.Users |
Lineage | Automatic | Microsoft Purview | Power BI Dataflow | No | |
name | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Datamart | Yes | datamart.Name |
description | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Datamart | Yes | datamart.Description |
configuredBy | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Datamart | No | datamart.ConfiguredBy |
modifiedBy | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Datamart | No | datamart.ModifiedBy |
modifiedDateTime | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Datamart | No | datamart.ModifiedDateTime |
Endorsement | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Datamart | No | datamart.EndorsementDetails |
users | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Datamart | No | datamart.Users |
Lineage | Automatic | Microsoft Purview | Power BI Datamart | No | |
name | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Dataset | Yes | dataset.Name |
description | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Dataset | Yes | dataset.Description |
isRefreshable | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Dataset | No | dataset.IsRefreshable |
configuredBy | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Dataset | No | dataset.ConfiguredBy |
contentProviderType | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Dataset | No | dataset.ContentProviderType |
createdDate | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Dataset | No | dataset.CreatedDateTime |
targetStorageMode | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Dataset | No | dataset.TargetStorageMode |
Schema | Automatic/Manual | Power BI | Power BI Dataset | tables & columns | |
Endorsement | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Dataset | No | dataset.EndorsementDetails |
users | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Dataset | No | dataset.Users |
Lineage | Automatic | Microsoft Purview | Power BI Dataset | No | |
name | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Report | Yes | report.Name |
description | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Report | Yes | report.Description |
createdDateTime | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Report | No | report.CreatedDateTime |
webUrl | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Report | No | report.WebUrl |
embedUrl | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Report | No | report.EmbedUrl |
PBIDatasetId | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Report | No | report.DatasetId |
modifiedBy | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Report | No | report.ModifiedBy |
modifiedDateTime | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Report | No | report.ModifiedDateTime |
reportType | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Report | No | report.ReportType |
Endorsement | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Report | No | report.EndorsementDetails |
users | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Report | No | report.Users |
Lineage | Automatic | Microsoft Purview | Power BI Report | No | N/A |
name | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Workspace | Yes | workspace.Name |
description | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Workspace | Yes | workspace.Description |
state | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Workspace | No | workspace.State |
type | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Workspace | No | ResourceType.Workspace |
IsReadOnly | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Workspace | No | workspace.IsReadOnly |
IsOnDedicatedCapacity | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Workspace | No | workspace.IsOnDedicatedCapacity |
users | Automatic | Power BI | Power BI Workspace | No | workspace.Users |
Available metadata for Power BI in the Microsoft Purview governance portal | Microsoft Learn