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Being more productive, the Pomodoro Technique 🍅
The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. You split your grinding session to 25min with a 5 min break.
“You will probably begin to notice a difference in your work or study process within a day or two. True mastery of the technique takes from seven to twenty days of constant use.”
Has anything like this ever happened to you?
You are working on a task and you suddenly need to do other things - updating your Facebook status, working on a task of a different project, loading the dishwasher - instead of focusing on your current goal.
You are working on a task and you hear a voice in your head: "Are you sure this is the right thing to do now? Are you sure you are not forgetting something urgent to do? Are you sure there isn't a better way to do that?
Your deadline is approaching and completing your task on time seems impossible: the more time you work on it and the more complex it seems.
You're constantly interrupted by other members of the team: your attention span gets smaller and smaller and you make more mistakes.
You need to reach multiple goals by the end of the week and you don’t know what the best task to start with is.
You are not alone! We all face the same problem. We know we should focus on the task in hand, but it feels impossible with so many distractions and demands on our time.
To be effective in these situations, Francesco Cirillo came up with a series of incremental processes, practices, solutions and tools which together make up the Pomodoro® Technique:
The Pomodoro® Internal Process, to learn how to develop an effective relationship with Time, our "predator".
The Pomodoro® Core Process to learn how to focus on your tasks.
The Pomodoro® Daily Process to learn how to complete multiple tasks and set up a daily routine.
The Pomodoro® Weekly Process to learn how to reach multiple goals and set up a weekly routine.
The Pomodoro® Team Process to learn how to adapt the technique to a team.
All these processes allow you to:
Be gentle with yourself: you will develop a conscious relationship with Time.
Turn time into an ally: you will use time as a factor to improve individual and team productivity.