Hack the climate

— for a sustainable world!

Welcome to a hackathon dedicated to the climate.

This hackathon is about you. It’s about me. It’s about us and the Earth. It’s a hackathon about respect for the environment and to stand united for the climate, through our way of living. This is about sustainability. Nothing else can be more important. (Possibly this hackathon.)

Developers of all background and skills are welcome to participate, and we’re looking forward to your innovative contributions for an even more sustainable world.

The environmental challenges are many, each with its own complexity. In some areas we have come a long way, in other areas the humanity has barely moved. This hackathon’s challenges will be put in the light of:

CARBON: How to go low carbon, by reducing emissions and cut energy consumptions?

ECOSYSTEM: How to preserve and protect biodiversity and health of the world’s ecosystem?

WASTE: How to become more sustainable, by developing products with zero waste?

WATER: How to be water positive, meaning replenish more water than used?

In February we will publish information about the organizations that will set this hackathon’s stage, with their cases.

The choice of technology is optional. Although we take the opportunity to inform that temporary Microsoft Azure passes will be available. Just sayin’.

Sign up your team and join the movement: The Climate Hackathon of 2021.

The hackathon is organized and hosted by Stratiteq in partnership with Microsoft.

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